Available Resources

There are many resources available for use at CCR. These are listed in alphabetical order in ColdFront. If after reading through these descriptions you are still unsure about which resource you should be requesting an allocation for, please contact CCR Help. The list of available resources includes:


UB-HPC academic partitions - These partitions in the UB-HPC cluster are available to all UB faculty, their students & collaborators. This is the primary resource utilized at CCR. Free for UB faculty groups to use.
Industry cluster partition - Use of this partition in the UB-HPC cluster is restricted to business partners or faculty with a business use case. Please provide a justification of this use case when requesting the allocation. Charges are based on a Cooperative Use Agreement signed between the company and UB.
Faculty cluster partitions - The faculty cluster is made up of partitions of nodes purchased by faculty members or research groups. These are not publicly available. You will only see them in your list of resources to request allocations for if you're the owner or the owner has allowed CCR to share the access with you.

More Info on HPC

Research Cloud

LakeEffect Cloud - on-premise cloud infrastructure for research projects. This is an infrastructure-as-a-service system meaning the faculty group buys compute time in the CCR cloud and completely controls the servers in their project. Pricing structure for the research cloud can be found here.

More Info on LakeEffect


Project Storage - request an allocation for this if you'd like a shared directory created for your group. This shared directory is available to access from all CCR clusters, login nodes, compile nodes, and the Globus file transfer service. It is not accessible from the cloud infrastructure. CCR provides 1TB of storage for free to UB faculty groups. Faculty can purchase additional storage by the TB annually.
Global Scratch - The Panasas storage system serves global "scratch" directories for cluster users. Groups must request an allocation and a shared directory will be created with a quota of 10TB. Scratch file systems have different policies than other storage at CCR. Please be sure to view the scratch policy before using this resource.
LakeEffect Cloud Storage - additional storage you can purchase for the Lake Effect research cloud if you require more than what is provided with the storage included with your subscription. This is not accessible from the cluster resources, only from the Lake Effect Cloud resource.

More Info on Storage


WebMO - Chemistry software portal offering GUI access to Gaussian and is available on request for research groups and academic courses. More info on WebMO
OnDemand - Portal for accessing CCR's storage and HPC systems. No allocation is required. All CCR users on active allocations to any of the cluster or storage resources may use OnDemand. More OnDemand info here
Starfish - Portal for viewing metadata and usage statistics about your group's storage allocation. More on Starfish


This is only for external collaborators and industry cluster customers and provides VPN access to the UB network to access CCR services. Only request an allocation for this if you've been advised by CCR staff to do so.

Software Licenses

Software resources listed in ColdFront are for CCR's old environment. Moving forward, you will not need allocations for the various software products. New PI groups can skip the step of requesting allocations for software. More on CCR's software infrastructure here

Private resources including faculty cluster partitions and research lab servers:
Some resources are restricted to specific groups so you will not see them in ColdFront unless you own the equipment or the owner has granted you permission to request allocations for that resource. If you're looking for a resource that you don't see on your drop down list or there's a problem with the item on the list, please contact CCR Help.