OnDemand Troubleshooting

When you're using OnDemand for your computing, you're running jobs on the CCR clusters. Though OnDemand makes this task simple with a few clicks in the browser, it's important to understand how to monitor your jobs, how to find your output files, and how to troubleshoot issues that may come up. Here are the top questions we get by users of OnDemand at CCR:

Why does my job start and then immediately end?

Usually, this is due to one of three problems; either you're out of disk space in your home directory, you're not setup to use the correct modules, or you have a problem with your login environment. Please see here for more info.

How to Monitor OnDemand Sessions

Use the OnDemand Active Jobs app to see your queued and running jobs. More info here. Since the OnDemand sessions are the same as jobs submitted through the batch scheduler, this info for monitoring jobs is also useful.

Why is my session not starting?

OnDemand sessions are submitted as jobs to CCR's clusters. The Slurm scheduler schedules jobs on compute nodes based on the resources requested. Basically, your OnDemand session is in line with all the other batch jobs and OnDemand sessions submitted by all the other users of CCR. If you are asking for resources that are in high demand, you will need to wait. Overall, most jobs start within a few hours of being submitted to CCR's clusters. However, some resources such as GPU nodes are limited in quantity and almost always under high demand. This means you could wait many hours, days or potentially a week for your job to get scheduled. Please see here for more info on job priority and here for more on how to tell when your job will start.

Where can I find the output files for my OnDemand sessions?

The easiest way to find these is by clicking on the Session ID link on the job card as this will open the Files app and take you directly to the output directory for that job. If the session card has been deleted, you can find all your OnDemand output files in your home directory, in sub-directories of /user/username/ondemand/data/sys/dashboard/batch_connect/sys In each job directory, you will find, at minimum, an output.log file. Though this file will contain what appears to be errors, much of this can be ignored until the end of the file. If the job ends prematurely, you will often see the reason why it failed. The three most frequent reasons:
- Out of memory: You might see an error like Detected 1 oom-kill event(s) in StepId=999999.batch. Some of your processes may have been killed by the cgroup out-of-memory handler - Solution: Request more memory
- Time limit reached: You might see an error like CANCELLED AT 2024-02-20T03:24:08 DUE TO TIME LIMIT - Solution: Request more time. See here for more info on cluster limits.
- Out of disk space: You might see errors like no space left on device or I/O error - Solution: Clear up space in your home directory to allow more room for OnDemand output files. See here for more info

Understanding OnDemand Session Details

If you submit a CCR help ticket using the OnDemand "Submit Support Ticket" feature on the job card, you will have access to detailed job session information. To view the help ticket, login to CCR's Help Desk Portal and view your ticket. Not sure of your login credentials? See here. In the ticket content you'll see Interactive Session Information which will list out lots of job details. You may find out for yourself what the problem with your job was. For example, first is listed information about the OnDemand app used and the selections you made or entered on the app form:

Interactive Session Information:
"id": "73b7bde3-232a-4433-a3d3-4934ca914c99",
"clusterId": "ub-hpc",
"jobId": "5033962",
"createdAt": "2024-02-26T14:29:20-05:00",
"token": "sys/jupyter_adv",
"title": "Jupyter Lab/Notebook Advanced Options",
"user_context": {
"jupyterlab_switch": "0",
"modules": "gcc/11.2.0 openmpi/4.1.1 pytorch/1.13.1-CUDA-11.8.0 torchvision/0.14.1-CUDA-11.8.0 tensorflow/2.11.0-CUDA-11.8.0 scipy-bundle/2021.10 ",
"cluster": "ub-hpc",
"auto_accounts": "cse999",
"auto_queues": "general-compute",
"auto_qos": "general-compute",
"bc_num_hours": "6",
"num_cores": "4",
"memory": "12",
"gpu_num": "1",
"node_type": "V100",
"email": "ccruser@buffalo.edu",
"bc_email_on_started": "1",
"email_on_terminated": "1"

Next is information from the job scheduler that's useful to CCR's staff for helping to track down problems. But there is also useful info for you! Take a look at fields like reason, state, memory (Did you request as much as you though you did? This is listed in megabytes, not gigabytes.), and to find your output files look at the workdir field:

"info": {
"id": "15033962",
"status": "undetermined",
"queue_name": "general-compute",
"wallclock_time": 68,
"wallclock_limit": 21600,
"cpu_time": null,
"submission_time": "2024-02-26 14:29:20 -0500",
"dispatch_time": "2024-02-26 14:30:10 -0500",
"native": {
"account": "cse676",
"job_id": "15033962",
"exec_host": "cpn-u24-07",
"min_cpus": "4",
"cpus": "4",
"min_tmp_disk": "0",
"nodes": "1",
"end_time": "2024-02-26T14:31:18",
"dependency": "(null)",
"features": "NOTLEGACY&V100",
"time_limit": "6:00:00",
"time_left": "5:58:52",
"min_memory": "12M",
"time_used": "1:08",
"reason": "OutOfMemory",
"state": "OUT_OF_MEMORY",
"work_dir": "/user/ccruser/ondemand/data/sys/dashboard/batch_connect/sys/jupyter_adv/output/73b7bde3-232a-4433-a3d3-4934ca914c99",
"gres": "gres:gpu:1"
"gpus": 1,

If you're having trouble with OnDemand we highly recommend submitting a help ticket using this feature since it provides us so much useful information.

More frequently asking questions:

We also have many answers to other OnDemand questions on our Frequently Asked Questions page, including:

Why can't I login?
No Home Directory Found on Login to OnDemand
Blank window after starting OnDemand session
Invalid account, partition, or QOS error
Why is my job showing reqnodenotavail?
XFCE PolicyKit Agent error
What are Legacy apps?